Sail Away -  Background Information


This song was written at the end of my 2012 vacation in Ireland. We had just spent 12 very rainy days in the beautiful green lush surroundings of the Irish countryside.

Apart from a few sunny moments we often found ourselves sheltering from the rain and sitting in pubs listening to some great Irish folk music. I guess this re-acquaintance with Celtic folk music inspired me to write my own little song based on a fantasized story. It describes a girl who married a man who was to become Captain on a merchant sailing boat running various cargo loads back and forth to the other side of the world. It depicts her lonely situation and although the captain is initially very successful with the lucrative trade, he finally cops it when his ship runs aground and he drowns as a result.

I love those story lines like when you think that things are really bad, then all of a sudden it gets worse!